by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
As far back as preschool, you’ve been told to “keep your hands to yourself.” The rule is logical; people expect a certain amount of control as to who can touch them, when, and under what circumstances. However, if you struggle with keeping your hands to yourself as a...
by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses, DUI
You are out at the bar one night or on the lake spending time with friends. You have enjoyed a few drinks and had a great time. Now it is time to head home, and you thought about taking a cab; but feel sober enough to drive home. It isn’t that far to drive. You will...
by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
South Carolina has one of the highest rates of domestic violence-related deaths in the nation, as reported by WCNC. If you’re facing a South Carolina domestic violence charge, it’s important that you understand this new law and know what it means to you. In this... by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
Assault and battery charges can oftentimes be confusing. That’s because you don’t have to physically harm a person to be charged with assault and battery in South Carolina. You see, assault occurs when someone does something to make someone else fear harm to...