by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses, DUI
You are out at the bar one night or on the lake spending time with friends. You have enjoyed a few drinks and had a great time. Now it is time to head home, and you thought about taking a cab; but feel sober enough to drive home. It isn’t that far to drive. You will...
by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
South Carolina has one of the highest rates of domestic violence-related deaths in the nation, as reported by WCNC. If you’re facing a South Carolina domestic violence charge, it’s important that you understand this new law and know what it means to you. In this... by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
Assault and battery charges can oftentimes be confusing. That’s because you don’t have to physically harm a person to be charged with assault and battery in South Carolina. You see, assault occurs when someone does something to make someone else fear harm to... by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
Curious how much jail time a person could receive for a SC violation? South Carolina laws set out the maximum sentences charges can carry. The more serious the charge, the longer the allowable sentence. Felonies carry stiffer sentences than misdemeanors, and there is... by kentcollinslaw | Criminal Offenses
Under South Carolina law, burglary is the act of entering a building or dwelling without permission with the purpose of committing a crime. A home break-in would be a familiar example. It is important to point out that the burglar must not have permission to enter AND...