Robbery Charges in South Carolina: Laws & Penalties
Consider two scenarios: Scenario 1: Person A enters a gas station and threatens the attendant, insisting all cash be handed over immediately… or else. The attendant quickly follows the instructions, and Person A leaves the gas station with a bag full of cash. Scenario...

10 More Questions On Burglary Charges in SC
While TV crime dramas often tell the story of personal motivations, laws, perceptions and processes in an hour-long episode, but crimes and consequences in real life tell a different story. Real-life criminal cases, from beginning to end, certainly take much longer...

17 Questions About Assault & Battery Charges in SC
The bar is packed. A rowdy Baylor fan has been insulting your Gamecocks all night long. Then you hear those four dreadful words… "Let's take this outside." Before you leave that bar, know that in South Carolina, if "let's take this outside" leads to punches being...

10 Questions About Burglary Charges in SC
From McDonald's goofy Hamburglar to a sophisticated burglar in a Hollywood heist, pop culture's portrayal of burglary doesn't reflect the reality of this serious charge. In South Carolina, if you break into a building and plan to commit a crime once inside, you can be...

SC Weed Laws: Fines, Penalties, Jail Time
After road tripping through Colorado’s Rocky Mountains, you’re back home in South Carolina, meeting up on a friend’s porch to share a few souvenirs. You pull out your brand new bong and a bag of weed you scored at a local shop in Denver. Your wide-eyed buddy says,...

11 Questions About Shoplifting in SC
Did you know that in South Carolina, you don’t actually have to steal merchandise to be charged with shoplifting? If a store employee, security or law enforcement officer accuses you of concealing merchandise, that’s enough to have you potentially face charges -- even...

Rape Charges in SC: Fines, Penalties and Jail Time
In June 2016, Brock Turner, a Stanford University swimmer, was convicted of raping an unconscious woman in California. The case drew national attention and sparked heated emotions about Turner’s sentence, which many people felt was too short: six months in jail with...

White Collar Crimes in SC: What Are They?
What do you think of when you hear names like Enron Corporation, Countrywide Mortgage or AIG? These scandals made headlines, even history, for the intensely deceptive business and financial practices in which these companies were engaged. Another element these crimes...

Unlawful Possession of a Handgun in SC: Charge & Penalties
You’ve seen TV commercials advertising home security systems. You’ve heard news reports about people being attacked by dangerous individuals. You’re thinking about ways to protect yourself, your family or even your home if faced with danger. Maybe you’re thinking...

Shoplifting Laws in SC: Fines, Penalties, Jail Time
At the grocery store, you absent-mindedly put a pack of gum in your pocket instead of in the cart. Suddenly, store security confronts you about shoplifting. You defend yourself, saying you’re no thief, but the security guard won’t back down. He’s already called the...
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